my picture

tapan chudasama

an inquisitive soul.

side projects

stuff that i have built in my free time, either to learn some new tech or scratch my own itch. this includes this website also.

Google Drive UI

A clone of Google Drive UI made using React and taking help of MaterialUI to create a feel similar to Google's material design. Features include breadcrumbs, support for creating files and folders.



A url shortner created using MERN stack. Creates shortened links for the urls that you provide. Has support for both custom links as well as default autogenerated links. And yes, it has dark mode too.


Sudoku Solver

A sudoku solver implemented using backtracking algorithm. The USP of this is that the program gives you a visualization of each step that it takes while solving the sudoku to make it easy to understand backtracking algorithm.



A photo sharing web-app made using MERN stack. Has features like authentication and commenting on others photos. Currently only supports photo upload using Unsplash.
